JAZZ HOUSE KiDS (JHK) participates in over 80 community performances a year and each summer produces the Montclair Jazz Festival, which is free and open to the public. The legacy of the program's work is evident through its alumni who are the rising new generation of jazz musicians and engaged citizens. JHK instructors, such as Abraham Burton, foster an artistic edge while the program ensures that every student has access to music, education, mentoring, and leadership.
The Jazz Standard Discovery Program (JSDP) is an interactive, educational and entertaining music workshop for children. For years, the JSDP has been bringing elementary and middle school children to the Jazz Standard for live sessions and field trips. Professional musicians, such as Abraham Burton, have performed with the students providing a fun and enlightening event.

The Artist Collective was founded in 1970 by world renowned alto-saxophonist, composer, educator Jackie McLean as an interdisciplinary arts and cultural institution. It is the only multi-arts organization of its kind emphasizing the cultural and artistic contributions of the African Diaspora. Its programs and teachers, such as Abraham Burton, expose students and the community to great and often overlooked artists of the past and present; offering the highest quality training in dance, theater, music and visual arts.
All children deserve the opportunity to thrive. However, when the state steps in to protect a child's safety, a judge appoints a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA). CASAs make independent and informed recommendations to help judges decide what is best for the child. To accomplish this, CASA of Essex County (CASA Essex) trains and empowers CASAs to speak up for the best interests of foster children in court, at school and in the community. Without CASA Essex's annual fundraisers, the organization would be unable to provide these valuable services. Musicians, like Abraham Burton, who support the program's mission generously donate their services to these events.